March 20, 2011, 3:51 pm
I was in Norway for work last week and had this wonderful scenery on my flight home:

I think we were over Greenland. I normally don’t pay attention to the scenery outside on long international flights, this was a nice surprise.
I just discovered this link, which shows the flight path that I took:
I think it was Greenland, but maybe it was northern Canada. I didn”t think to check the in-flight map, I was too busy staring outside.
Hi Alex–looks like Greenland to me. I was once on a flight from Berlin to Boston whose flight path went over Greenland and then Labrador. Labrador has less uniformly flat expanses of snow.
But then, after looking at your flight path, it seems I may be wrong. Baffin Island might look like that. Could you compare the time stamp on your photo with your intinerary?